It’s no secret that women are more likely than men to consult their physician. The same goes for consulting a dietitian. And yet men who consult have excellent results.
Here we share the testimony of Philippe, who used our VIP Dietitian service following a diagnosis of prediabetes. I hope it can inspire other men to take care of themselves and consult a dietitian.
« My name is Philippe, I am 56 years old. On September 5, 2023, I was told by my family doctor that I was in the prediabetes stage but that there was still time to turn this situation around, as long as I tackle it head on. On the same day, September 5, 2023, I opened hostilities against prediabetes, it was the beginning of my little personal war to defend my health.
At the suggestion of my doctor, I decided to look for support from important allies, namely a registered dietitian from SOSCuisine and their web platform. So I subscribed to SOSCuisine’s VIP Dietitian service which consists of three consultations with a dietitian, over a 3-month period, with weekly meal plans adapted to my situation and a wealth of information available on the SOSCuisine’s website. Their meal plans are made up of recipes that are easy to make and delicious to taste. Thanks to my allies, I feel well equipped to fight for my health. Every day I am learning about balanced nutrition, which is a great discovery for me.
This fight against prediabetes gives me the feeling that I have every chance of winning my little personal war. I also know that I could always count on my allies to maintain my health because they help me maintain healthy eating habits.
I wish all people who are helpless in the face of disease to find allies as important as those I found to win my little personal war. I sincerely thank them. Be well and be kind to yourself. You deserve it! »
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