Researchers on Radio-Canada’s L’Épicerie show* noted the growing presence in the food industry of food products labelled with a “low-FODMAP” label. Knowing SOSCuisine’s expertise on the issue, they approached us to help explain what this means in their November 11th broadcast report.
FODMAPs are fermentable carbohydrates that are partially responsible for symptoms in people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The low-FODMAP diet is gaining in popularity thanks to its effectiveness in alleviating gastrointestinal symptoms and improving the quality of life in nearly 75% of people suffering from an irritable bowel.
I invite you to watch this short report (<6 min) in which our dietitian Jennifer Morzier explains the Fodmap protocol, and her fellow dietitian Sandrine Laforce explains the clinical study currently underway at CRCHUM to assess the therapeutic effectiveness of this protocol when followed in ‘self-service’ through the SOSCuisine.com platform.
*”L’Épicerie” is a highly respected public affairs program for educational purposes from Radio-Canada television, reporting on the subjects of diet, nutrition and consumption.
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