Photo: Foods on the Table, Faizan, Pexels, ©
Several foods can trigger a severe allergic reaction, but certain foods are responsible for more than 90% of reactions. They are “priority food allergens”, i.e. peanuts, wheat or triticale, milk, mustard, tree nuts, eggs, fish, crustaceans and molluscs, sesame and soy.
The FODMAP* approach has been shown to be effective in reducing IBS-related digestive symptoms in about 75% of cases. In the other cases, from a nutrition stand point, there are other possible avenues and differential diagnoses to explore.
*FODMAPs are fermentable carbohydrates that are partly responsible for causing symptoms in people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). For more info, read this article.
Photo: Sprouts, Airin Party, Pexels, ©
Growing sprouts is a relatively easy gardening project. Indeed, it requires very little material and space, and green shoots have a short growth period and can be grown year-round!
In recent years, a growing number of studies have shown that diet plays a central role in the risk and progression of the disease.
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